Economic Solutions for the "Little People"

What's the Money Predicament?

The average wage earner is concerned about providing adequate food, clothing, and shelter for their household. In today's money-based economy, most of us do this by striving to make a decent living, working a job that pays a set amount of income. In time, we quickly learn that money does not grow on trees but it definitely can sprout wings! After a while of trying to keep up with the rising cost of living, many of us find ourselves in a nasty predicament - not enough money to make ends meet.
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How are We Doing with Personal Debt?

According to USA Today (Oct. 4, 2004 issue), the average household's personal debt (including car loans, mortgages, credit cards, etc.) was about $84,454. In 2021, that figure grew to about $96,371 according to The Ascent (a Motley Fool service). In an attempt to do something about this, a considerable number a people try obtaining a home equity loan to transfer credit card balances to. Debt consolidation under one low-interest rate home equity loan seems like it should be a good idea. However, according to Dave Ramsey (American personal finance personality), "most of the time, after someone consolidates their debt, the debt grows right back." What makes that happen? Dave Ramsey goes on to say "Because they don’t have a game plan for sticking to a budget and spending less than they make. In other words, they haven’t established good money habits for staying out of debt and building wealth." See his article at

Most of the time, after someone consolidates their debt, the debt grows right back.

Dave Ramsey

Why These 1-800 Number Calls?

The part that really gets us is, if we don't somehow solve this money problem, we can find ourselves among the happy company of those receiving collection calls and notices (you know the ones with a 1-800 number to call back on to "discuss" payment terms). From there, things can really go downhill.
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Is There a Way to Solve the Money Predicament?

The wisest among us come to realize that the best way to solve this money problem is to get a handle on how we manage our household income. To successfully do that, we need some way to see where the money is going, preferably BEFORE it goes. We need some way to plan our spending, preferably BEFORE we spend.